Saturday, October 27, 2018

Phase XXXVI : Vermont 1 + New Hampshire

Inquiry Time - What is your favorite state east of the Mississippi?  For me, it is Vermont.  Vermont has it all.  They have the green mountains, Lake Champlain, and plenty of hiking.  They have coffee, ice cream (Ben & Jerry's), cheese (more than just Cabot), maple syrup, and of course beer!  Last time I was here, I also bought a pair of their "darn tough" socks, and they will hold their own on any Colorado fourteen thousand foot peak.  I was excited to be back in Vermont, but the visit was truly bitter sweet.

As we entered Vermont late afternoon, Meredith was not feeling well, the weather forecast was calling for rain, so the outlook was not promising.  As we rolled into Burlington, I made a quick stop to Burlington Beer Co.  Mer was not feeling it, so I quickly imbibed in a flight of heaven.  It tasted as such - very impressed with this brewing company.  For dinner, Mer insisted on more spicy food to help with the coughing and congestion, so we opted for some Chinese.  We grabbed some take-out near the airport and headed towards our campsite that evening.  The van was enveloped in the trees and we were tucked away from reality.  Pleasant dreams.

The next day, we headed for Ben & Jerry's.  This is one of the few times that we would repeat past adventures, but when you are in Waterbury, one should always take time to partake and indulge.  We both selected Chocolate Shake-It (Mer got a combo, and you can see that joy and sickness have learned to temporarily coexist).  Mer opted for nap time, so I stopped by Alchemist Welcome Center in Stowe.  The Alchemist is renowned for Heady Topper!  This place was awesome - brand spread throughout and free tastings.  I caved and left with a few 4-packs.  We then headed towards northeast Vermont to hit Hill Farmstead BC.  Vermont turned into a beer run, but it was empty satisfaction without my BFF.

Mer lobbied for a motel that evening, so she could get a good nights rest.  Our best option was in Littleton, New Hampshire.  The room was quaint and cozy, and reminisced of a home.  That evening, we regrouped and rested.  In the morning we embarked onto this little town (no pun intended).  The main street was playing host to what appeared to be a farmers market, but art seemed to be the dominating agenda.  The locals complimented us on our van (which never gets old!).  As we drove through, one restaurant had prided itself on the best pancakes in the New England area.  It doesn't get any more compelling than that.  They were tasty, but Mer's hash casserole stole the show.

We headed towards Franconia State Park, which offered plenty of hiking trails.  It would take months to conquer all.  I opted for Flume Gorge and Mer opted for more rest :(  I was bummed to be hiking alone, and thoughts of retreat and heading home started to linger.  Another day or two would be the deciding factor.  Nevertheless, I enjoyed the flume and did my best to describe the hike to Mer upon my return.  The boardwalk into the gorge was impressive.  Sheer walls of rock on both sides, and ever-flowing water beneath.  The trail also offered additional gorges and overlooks.  And there was also wolf's den, in which you could climb through.  The trail finished in a rock garden, where I took the ring of doom into the fires of Mordor...  Well, at least it felt like I was a member of the fellowship.

Before leaving New Hampshire, we stopped at Schilling/Resilience BC.  Schilling specializing in European style beers, and Resilience specializing in American style beers.  Really, it's just the same brew company.  Mer joined, but did not partake.  Historically, New Hampshire has only produced strife and struggle with my traveling companion, but we left on the most amicable of terms on this journey.  There is hope yet!


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